Thursday, June 19, 2008

My Friend Rabbit - Caldecott Medal Winner

Rohmann, E. (2002). My friend rabbit. Brookfield, CT: Roaring Book Press.

I read My Friend Rabbit for my reading blog because this book is a Caldecott Medal winner. My Friend Rabbit is an amusing story about Mouse and Rabbit and their wonderful friendship. Although things do not always go well for Rabbit, Mouse sticks by his side. This story relates a comical adventure they share when playing with an airplane.

The thing that I most enjoyed about this book was the illustrations. This makes sense since the Caldecott Medal is awarded to illustrators of highly noted picture bocks for children! Although this story is a bit short on words, the pictures really help tell the story. One reason that I enjoyed this story so much is that it is about friendship. Anyone who has ever been a friend or who has friends knows that friends aren't always perfect. True friends though, stand beside each other regardless of their faults. This happens to be the case with Rabbit and Mouse.

It is interesting to compare this book with other children's books that rely on words more than pictures to tell the story. For example, although Dr. Seuss books have wonderful illustrations, the illustrations are not necessary to understand the story. On the other hand, a reader would not be able to fully understand My Friend Rabbit without seeing the illustrations.

A new thing that I have learned about Children's literture in reading this book is that stories do not have to be complex in order to be wonderful My Friend Rabbit is a very simple story, but it is also very touching and appealing to children.

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